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<batteries/status.hpp>: Efficient, Ergonomic Error Handling

<batteries/status.hpp>: Efficient, Ergonomic Error Handling🔗


#include <batteries/status.hpp>
Types Functions Macros
batt::Status batt::to_status BATT_REQUIRE_OK
batt::StatusCode batt::OkStatus BATT_CHECK_OK
batt::StatusOr<T> batt::status_from_retval BATT_OK_RESULT_OR_PANIC
batt::ErrnoValue batt::status_from_errno BATT_ASSIGN_OK_RESULT
batt::IsStatusOr<T> batt::status_is_retryable
batt::RemoveStatusOr<T> batt::is_ok_status
batt::LogLevel batt::ok_result_or_panic<T>

Why not exceptions?🔗

Batteries C++ discourages the use of exceptions as an error handling mechanism. Exceptions tend to hurt the readability and maintainability of code because they introduce non-local control flow (throw statements can jump to catch statements arbitrarily far away with no obvious connection between the two points), break the separation of interface and implementation (because implementations can silently introduce new failure modes because of a deep change, even several layers down), and add to the complexity of syntax because when you program with exceptions now there are multiple ways to return a value from a function, each with its own caveats and idiosyncrasies. The purported benefit of exceptions, that they clean up the code by hiding error handling code, does more harm than good because failure modes are an essential element to understanding any code.

What instead of exceptions? (batt::Status)🔗

In place of exceptions, Batteries provides batt::Status and many related constructs.

DISCLAIMER/ACKNOWLEDGMENT: batt::Status is modelled very closely after absl::Status from Google's Abseil library.

A batt::Status is like an exception in that it represents a specific error condition, but it can also represent no error at all. When a function that returns a value, say an int, can also fail, it is best to write it as:

batt::StatusOr<int> parse_int(std::string_view s);

In this example, we imagine a function that takes a string and parses it as an integer value. Because this operation may fail (if for example it is handed an invalid string like "hello, world"), we declare the return type as batt::StatusOr<int>.

Functions returning no value that can fail should just return batt::Status.

To make the use of Status easier in practice, Batteries provides several macros to automatically unwrap a Status or propagate it up a call stack. Example:

batt::StatusOr<Endpoint> resolve_url(std::string url);

batt::StatusOr<std::string> download_from_server(std::string url)
  // This will panic (crash) our program if the url fails to resolve.
  Endpoint endpoint = BATT_OK_RESULT_OR_PANIC(resolve_url(url));

  // Connect to the server.
  batt::StatusOr<Socket> maybe_socket = connect_to_server(endpoint);
  //   ^^^ This will cause the current function to return the non-ok status 
  //       code if there is an error, or continue otherwise.

  // We can unwrap the StatusOr like this.
  Socket& socket = *maybe_socket;

  // This macro combines the two steps above, checking for errors 
  // and unwrapping the value.
  BATT_ASSIGN_OK_RESULT(std::string data, socket.read_all());

  // Done!
  return data;

Standard Status Codes🔗

Batteries provides the same standard status codes as Abseil Status, plus a few extras:

enum class StatusCode : int {
    kOk = 0,
    kCancelled = 1,
    kUnknown = 2,
    kInvalidArgument = 3,
    kDeadlineExceeded = 4,
    kNotFound = 5,
    kAlreadyExists = 6,
    kPermissionDenied = 7,
    kResourceExhausted = 8,
    kFailedPrecondition = 9,
    kAborted = 10,
    kOutOfRange = 11,
    kUnimplemented = 12,
    kInternal = 13,
    kUnavailable = 14,
    kDataLoss = 15,
    kUnauthenticated = 16,
    // ...
    // This range reserved for future allocation of Abseil status codes.
    // ...
    kClosed = 100,
    kGrantUnavailable = 101,
    kLoopBreak = 102,

Handling System Errors🔗

In addition, batt::Status can accept standard errno values from system calls:

batt::Status example() 
  int fd = open("something.txt", 0);
  if (fd == -1) {
    return batt::status_from_errno(errno);

  return batt::OkStatus();

In fact, because this pattern is so common when invoking system APIs, the above example can also be written as:

batt::Status even_better_example() 
  int fd = open("something.txt", 0);

  return batt::OkStatus();



#include <batteries/status.hpp>
Constructors Operators Methods
Status() operator= ok group
Status(enum_value) operator<< code IgnoreError
Status(const Status&) operator== message Update
Static Methods Types Constants
code_group_for_type value_type kGroupSizeBits
message_from_code CodeEntry kGroupSize
register_codes CodeGroup kMaxGroups




Static Methods🔗

